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Maçonnerie, brique, pierre, linteaux, allège, ventre de boeuf
Maçonnerie, brique, pierre, linteaux, allège, ventre de boeuf
Maçonnerie, brique, pierre, linteaux, allège, ventre de boeuf

According to real estate market experts, a well-maintained home has a much higher market value.

In an ideal world, the owners  of the house ensure  this maintenance over time. If not  some items will show  signs of age and deterioration. However, before considering replacing them, we must remember the second phase of our approach: repair.

The vast majority of elements making up an old building can be repaired since they are made of materials to which corrections can be made.

Par exemple, si une partie du mur est abîmée, une restauration de la brique déjà présente peut très bien faire the case. Indeed, if the problem is detected at the right time, this can prevent you from having Ã  35cc1958 replace the brick -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_the wall. 

Also, keep in mind that if the repair is not undertaken in time, you may have no choice but to replace everything.

The replacement of architectural masonry units is a risky task. Il est toujours préférable de remplacer les Ã©léments abîmés par des Ã©léments identiques. The original model is part of a whole, which gives  a unique and distinctive character to the building. Adding a disparate element could destroy harmony.

Masonry, brick, stone, renovation, restoration, residential, commercial, joint, rejoining, lintels, angle iron -136bad5cf58d_

masonry oligny inc

As a specialized masonry contractor, we work in the fields of restoration, repair, from new residential construction from beef belly to mortar repointing or brick wall demolition. We serve the South Shore (Montérégie), Montreal and North Shore sectors.

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